Errores en Ifá que cometen los practicantes
From my point of view, one of the most important mistakes in Ifa that practitioners make is self-deception. An example of this is that when a person performs a divination and lies to Ifá; In these cases, Ifá says that the person only lies to himself.
Another example of the mistakes in Ifa that practitioners of the Yoruba religion make is to speak ill of another person or to be double-faced and they think that they will never be unmasked. In this regard, Ifá says in Irete Oshe:
“Oku aya ni nyi e pon seyin
He made Ifá divination for Orunmila
Father was going to beat people who speak ill of you …
People who speak of another will never stop the war against the Orishas. ”
In this excerpt from the verse we can understand that people who speak ill of others will not get the favor of any Orisha in addition to being severely punished by them.
Another example of what Ifá says about people who talk more about others can be found in Ogbe Se:
“If we guess Ogbe Se, we will eat and drink
Only bad guys talk bad about Ogbe Se… ”
According to the history of this sign, Orunmila was frantically working to become a very wealthy person, but all his efforts did not materialize. He was poor and unable to make two final encounters.
If practitioners of the Yoruba religion make sacrifices, but their behavior is not appropriate, then luck will be elusive or it will not manifest itself in the way we wish.
Consequently, he turned to his students for an Ifa divination. Orunmila was sure that he would be very wealthy in his life and that he would have to get everything he needed in his life, cheaply and freely. To be successful in life, you wouldn’t need much effort either. The Awo advised him to offer ebo with lots of snails, food and drinks. Everything would be cooked and I had to invite some people to share at the party. After this, he should propitiate Ifá with two pigeons, two Guinea, and money. And so he did.
Before that year ended, Orunmila had become a very successful man. He was very wealthy. Most of his wealth came to him in the form of gifts and without much physical effort. He was filled with happiness and gratitude to Olodumare for crowning his efforts with such resounding success.
In Ogbe Se, Ifá says that the person will enjoy his life completely. He or she will be wealthy and riches will come in the form of gifts and signs of appreciation.
The learning to learn from these verses is that sacrifices are good to help us improve our lives. However, our behavior as practitioners of the Yoruba religion will be even more important to achieve our well-being. Personally, I summarize it with learning to coexist correctly so as not to be penalized by the Orishas, even making sacrifices. If we make sacrifices, but our behavior is not appropriate, then luck will be elusive or it will not manifest itself in the way we want.