Adivinación de Ifá sobre el Coronavirus
Yesterday the world temple of Ifá in Ile Ife hosted the celebration of a special divination carried out to consult Ifá about the current crisis of the Coronavirus COVID-19. The council of Arabas and Olowu’s, in the presence of the Araba Agbaye Makoranwale II, made this divination to request the divine intervention of Orunmila and to consult the measures to stop the virus.
The sign revealed in divination is Eji Obge, in which Ifá warns of Ire Aiku, that is, of luck or victory over death. This sign speaks of a before and after for humanity. It is an odu to clean. It is important to make the offerings that Ifá warns and it is also important to maintain good behavior so that this Ire is ratified and does not become an Ayewo, which would mean a worsening of the current situation.
For this Ire Aiku to be fulfilled, it is necessary to make an Ifa bigbo (propitiate Ifá), in addition it is necessary to do ebo for Eji Ogbe, perform an akose and do ebo for Obaluaye, the orisha of the disease.
In our Ifá Tradicional Pro and Ojú Odù applications we offer users an Akose for Ire Aiku that was specified in the Ifá divination.
Foreign governments are advised to join together to obtain vaccines that would cure the virus. Furthermore, it was emphasized that powerful or developed nations should not see the virus as an opportunity to economically exploit underdeveloped nations.
In divination, traditional rulers in Nigeria were advised to work closely with state governments and the Nigerian Federal Government to reduce the virus. The ODU IFA says that when everything is done, the global economy would be more prosperous than before the coronavirus.